Reaching through Teaching…

Bound by ancient superstitions and immobilized by fear, the Mixteco people come from an animistic, often very harsh, and despondent poverty stricken background. 

By God’s grace we desire to reach these beautiful hard-working people with the truth of the Gospel of God‘s love for them. 

Due to a variety of factors, quite often the Mixteco people are uneducated and illiterate. The result can be that they fall prey to malignant characters, bad actors religious and otherwise, who take advantage of their illiteracy and trusting nature. 

We desire to better equip those who have come to faith in Christ alone to resist these fraudulent schemers, as well as to develop their God-given talents and life skills.

MCF is a Bible believing and teaching church ministry. In addition to weekly Bible studies, we have a scholarship fund that sponsors students to attend school, and a three week long VBS/summer school program. 

Andy & Monica Alvarez
Missionaries, Mixteco Christian Fellowship