Andy and Monica Alvarez

Andy and Monica have been serving the Mixteco community since 2001. They fulfill many roles within the community. Andy is the lead pastor of Compañerismo Cristiano Mixteco.

Andy and Monica both come from a Catholic background. They both heard the Gospel in their late teens and realized that there is no sin that the Lord cannot forgive and bring healing to the brokenhearted. As Andy began to grow in the knowledge of His Word, the Lord instilled in his heart a strong desire to use the life skills He had blessed Andy with to serve Him by serving others. Never would Andy have imagined that what began as that desire to serve and get involved in missions would lead to some of the greatest blessings as well as challenges in his life. 

Andy and Monica met 1987 and married in 1992. They moved to Oregon in 1997.  They have 3 children, Josiah, Amy, and David, or as Andy likes to say, “I have 3 kids and Monica has 4” (with Andy being the oldest). Their oldest son Josiah is 29 and lives in Salem Oregon where he works at a nursery. Their daughter Amy is 28, and along with her husband Juan are preparing to serve as missionaries with MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship). Their youngest David will be 21 in November. Presently he is working in wildland firefighting, and is praying about what field of study to pursue further.

Monica enjoys gardening, reading, and playing cards and table games. Andy likes to spend his free time outdoors, doing metal work, reading, and playing chess.

Meet The Team

  • Guille and Molly Gracida

    Guille has been involved for several years when he was single, and now since he & Molly were married in 2019.

  • Ismael (Isma) Morales

    Isma has been involved since his youth for about 10 years now. Guille and Isma help as co-pastors, as well as serving as youth leaders.

  • Fredi and Lucy Bremont

    The Bremonts have been involved since 2002. They serve wherever and however they are needed, especially with outreaches and helping with a local elderly homeless ministry.