MCF is a Christian outreach ministry assisting the Mixteco people & others
in San Antonio De Las Minas, Mexico.

It´s all about J E S U S.

We love and serve because He first loved and served us.

We have built a church to proclaim and hear the Word of God, for Bible Studies, fellowship & Praise and Worship. We have Sunday and mid-week services and activities through out the year.

The church, Compañerismo Cristiano Mixteco, has Bible study services Sundays at 10 AM and Thursdays at 6 PM.  Additional services include Youth Bible studies on Saturdays at 6 pm as well as Women’s Bible studies on Mondays & Wednesday prayer meeting.

 The History of Mixteco Christian Fellowship

The predecessor to Mixteco Christian Fellowship was called “Mission Mixteco.” It was founded by Bob and Irene Blanchard, who themselves were missionaries in Mexico. The Blanchard’s saw the tremendous need with the Mixteco people and began to reach out to them with the gospel, food, medicine, clothing, and outreaches. They, along with a young man they were mentoring, pastored in the community for several years. 

After moving to Salem in 1997, Andy and Monica were approached by Pastor Steve Hopkins of Calvary Chapel Salem and asked to participate in short-term mission trips to Mexico. Little did they know that the destination for the mission trips would be to a small community they were already very familiar with: San Antonio de las Minas. Andy and Monica had already been working for years with the Mixteco community there and knew the Blanchards. What started as an invitation to short-term mission trips quickly became an invitation to move to Mexico to continue the mission work, as the Blanchards were needing to move home. In 2001, Andy and Monica moved their family from Salem, OR to San Antonio de las Minas, Mexico. By God‘s grace they would “just show up, and see what He would do” in them and through them.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.